
HS Leadership Team

HS Leadership Team


  • Maintaining an “all in” commitment to Christ, FBC Hendersonville, and our HS Ministry.
  • Participating consistently in regular HS programming – Connect Groups and HS Worship
  • Participating consistently in Sunday morning worship services at FBC Hendersonville.
  • Participating consistently in special events throughout the year (The Walk Weekend, Summer Camp, retreats, mission trips, outreach events, etc.).
  • Committing to live a life of consistently abiding in God’s Word, praying, and showing others at school, home, etc. a Christ-like attitude that reflects your committed, daily walk with Him.
  • Committing to befriend others to help us create a warm and welcoming atmosphere within our HS Ministry.
  • Committing to live a life above reproach, especially when it comes to social media, friendships, dating, etc., and modeling this to peers.
  • Committing to engage in personal evangelism with peers.
  • Prizing and protecting the unity of the body at FBC Hendersonville and in our HS Ministry.
  • Maintaining a “whatever it takes” mentality to serve and lead with excellence in our HS Ministry.


  • Attending our HS Student Leadership Team meetings, and coming to these meetings prepared for what we are discussing, planning, evaluating, etc.
  • Assisting the HS Pastor and HS Ministry Team in the planning, preparation, and execution of regular HS programming – Connect Groups and HS Worship
  • Assisting the HS Pastor and HS Ministry Team in the planning, preparation, and execution of special events throughout the year.
  • Serving on our welcome/hospitality team.
  • Assisting the HS Pastor and HS Ministry Team in personally connecting with first-time guests following their initial visit to Connect Groups and/or HS Worship.
  • Leading at HS Worship services both on-stage and off-stage.
  • Planning and executing outreach events throughout the year (tailgates, Post Game Party, etc.)
  • Going with the gospel either here (local missions and serve days), there (domestic mission trip), or everywhere (international mission trip).
  • Providing critical, evaluative feedback of regular HS Ministry programming.

Application and interview required before joining the team. You will also need 3 references to be submitted for your application to be complete – one parent or guardian, one school teacher, and one Connect Group or HS Worship small group leader. You will send the reference form to each of these people, and they will submit the form to John at

106 Bluegrass Commons Blvd.
Hendersonville,TN 37075
(615) 447-1300

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