Welcome to First Baptist Hendersonville!
Here you can find all the information on upcoming events happening at FBCHville.
Check back every week for updated information on new exciting events.
Last Updated: January 19, 2025
A Note From Pastor Bruce G. Chesser
January will go down in the record book as one of the coldest months in our recent history. In spite of it, we have had a blessed and incredible month. Thank you for your faithfulness during the less-than-ideal weather conditions. If the long-range forecast is correct, we should have more moderate and normal conditions in the next few weeks.
This morning, we are going to be looking at Colossians 4:2-6. While there are many directions that you could go with this passage, the basic truth is that we all have a responsibility to point other people to Christ and to share the wonderful truth of the gospel with as many people as possible.
Thank you for being a part of our day today at First Baptist Hendersonville. If you are new or have been here for a while and I just have not had the opportunity to meet you, please stop by the “Meet the Pastors” table in the lobby and let me say hello.
Bruce Chesser
Sunday Connect
From Senior Associate Pastor, Bruce RaleY
From time to time, Pastor Chesser mentions our definition of a disciple. It is important for our church to have a unified definition since the Lord gave us the Great Commission to “Go, and make disciples of all nations.”
We have defined a disciple as one who is in the process of being transformed into Christlikeness so that he or she thinks and acts like Jesus.
As children of God, we are all in the process of discipleship. There is always more to learn. More to experience. More to give. This process matures us as we are in God’s Word and prayer, in relationship with other believers, and serving Him.
It is a joy to serve you.
Bruce Raley
Featured Event:
There’s always an event around the corner at FBCHville! Check out the featured event for this week. Contact the church office or the ministry area for more information on how to be involved.
CONNECT GROUPS are for everyone in every season of life. At FBCHville, Connect Groups are one of the best ways to find community.
For more information visit HERE.
Additional Announcements:
Equipping Classes:
Bible study doesn’t just happen on Sunday morning. From in depth studies to Celebrate Recovery, Equipping Classes create opportunities to be strengthened faith and the knowledge of God’s Word.
To register or find out more, visit FBCHville.com/equippingclasses.
The 2025 2nd Fiscal Quarter Business Meeting will be held on
Wednesday, January 29, at 6:30 pm in the Worship Center.
Todd Lee – Todd and Lisa have been FBCH members since 2010. They have two children. Todd is an IT Manager for HCA Healthcare. Lisa is a Ministry Specialist for the FBCH Preschool Ministry. Todd serves in the Preschool Ministry and as an usher.
ASSISTING DEACONS: Miguel Martinez & Don Russell
New Members
BY BAPTISM: Willis Manley
BY LETTER: Russell Davis, Timothy Phillips, Mike and Lisa Spillman
BY STATMENT: Stephen Hopkins, JoeAnna Jensen
Our deepest sympathy to the family of Maie Wood.
SUNDAY, January 19, 2025
Worship Attendance: 3,180
Connect Groups: 2,416
Online Attendance: 3,296
CrossRoads Westmoreland: 77
One Community Church: 56
Budget receipts this week: $293,023
YTD budget receipts: $6,392,199
YTD budget requirements: $6,284,250
Church Office: (615) 824-6154
Minister on Call: (615) 447-0494
Prayer Room: (615) 826-7729
Safety & Security: (615) 447-0400
Counseling: (615) 824-3772
Upcoming Events
There are lots of upcoming events on the schedule! Click below to see whats coming up!
Wednesday Night Dinner MENU
Taco bar, Cilantro-Lime Rice, Guacamole, & Churros (Adults and Kid’s Meal)
Ways to Give
– In Person
Stop by the church office or drop off in the Offering Boxes located around campus
– Through the Mobile App
Search FBCHville in the Apple Store or Google Play
– Online
2025 Daily Bible Reading Plan
Through every story, God’s plan of redemption points to Jesus Christ. By studying the former generations, see how every character leads to Christ.
Make it a priority to spend time in the Word each day by following the FBCHville Daily Bible Reading plan.
Welcome Guests!
We are glad you are here! So that we can better minister to you, please help us by providing the following information.
106 Bluegrass Commons Blvd.
Hendersonville,TN 37075
(615) 447-1300
Connect on Social Media